It was a real winter this year. Superstorm Sandy delivered a wake up call in October and cold weather and snow put the garden to sleep in November and December. The Blizzard of '13 dumped 38" of snow on February 8th and pretty much shut the state down for 3 days. As I write this post in mid April there are still some piles of snow melting in some spots.
A December snow storm covered the garden. |
digging out after 12" was relatively easy compared with with what was to follow |
Snow and cold did not prevent us from making improvements as we expanded the garden around the new barn. This BFR fought us for two days but after a come-along, hammer drill, cold chisels, levers and some determination we won. Here Ben and Taylor have it on the run. Would have appreciated a backhoe...or an ox. |
The frozen ground allowed us to get some machines in and take down some trees to get some more sun on the garden...and some firewood. |
Easy does it with that oak tree |
Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village, though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow.“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” Robert Frost
The blizzard dumped 38" and it was a few days before we could clear out. Kendra's car is under there somewhere. |
drifts of 4 ft plus blocked doors |
Digging out out after a few days of cabin fever |
Snow prevented us from harvesting these parsnips. We dug em out first week n April wondered if they would be bitter after a long sleep...quite the opposite...they were sweet and delicious - boiled, roasted or made into soup. |
Parsnip Soup
started with a garden postada of parsnip, celery, carrots and onions
added our own chicken stock
salt, pepper, balsamic vinegar
garnished with sweet potato, roasted zuchhini and roasted tomato
the parsnip is the star of the show and it was awesome
February - sitting at the wood stove looking at 4 ft drift blocking the door to the deck |
April - time to turn the page...the cold frame crops are in arugula, spinach, lettuce, snow peas, Swiss chard, beets, carrots and more. |
off and running
veggies pooping up, hens a laying and 4 new layer chicks |